Window Cut-Down – Company Drill

The picture to the left is from a fire the other night in a two story 1,500 square feet residential joint.  It had a gable roof and the second floor was made into one room with knee walls on both B and D walls.  The window seen here was to the first floor bathroom.

For this company drill tabletop session or hands-on training, talk about and/or make a window cut down for rescue.  If we need to open up this window and save our own or get a victim out, how would we do it?  Saws?  Hand-tools?  Below are a few more pictures from the training ground showing possible techniques.


Here are a few discussion topics:

  • Know your saw
  • Know building construction; sill plate, studs, window sill
  • Window removal
  • Where to cut

This picture shows two firefighters using hand tools to create an opening into the substructure.  This techniques takes time, effort, and good tool technique.  What are your options if the saw doesn’t start?

Pass it on!