Tanker Fill Procedure – Company Drill

To start the evolution, the apparatus moves 200 feet to location B.  The tanker is filled from a fill site engine.  When the water tank is full to overflow, the fill line(s) are disconnected (ensure all firefighters are seat belted in prior to moving apparatus), and the tanker moves 200 feet and stops (document your total time for later use with ISO).


Evaluation Criteria:

  • Demonstrate how to hook-up two (2) 3” fill lines to a 2 ½” siamese or pre-plumbed valves in rear of tanker
  • Demonstrate communications to fill engine operator when ready for water
  • Understand other options to fill water tank (hydrant fill)
  • Understand the use of 2 1/2″ and 3″ storz connections for quick hose connecting and disconnecting
  • Strive to safely complete evolution in < 7 minutes

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